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Mauser Packaging Solutions Expands Presence in South Africa with Acquisition of Plastic Drums Business

05.08.2024 - 12:08 | 2116362

Acquisition of plastic drums business extends product offering and capacities to meet growing demand for plastic drums in the region.

Oak Brook, IL, USA ? August 5, 2024

Mauser Packaging Solutions, a global industrial packaging producer and provider of solutions and services for the entire lifecycle of packaging, has acquired a business of manufacturing, selling and supplying of plastic drums including rigid plastics large drums in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The transaction closed on August 1, 2024.

With this acquisition, Mauser Packaging Solutions is extending its existing production capacities and footprint in South Africa and can offer full-service solutions and packaging excellence from five different manufacturing and reconditioning facilities.

?This investment underscores our ongoing commitment to expanding our presence in this region and growing with our customers by delivering sustainable packaging solutions with unparalleled quality and customer service,? said Michael Steubing, President of Mauser?s International Packaging Business Unit.

Peter Lucht, Mauser?s General Manager in South Africa, added: ?We are proud to further expand our plastic capacity and portfolio. This acquisition enables us to offer our customers even greater security of supply and an enhanced portfolio of products.?

The new site produces UN-certified, tight-head and open-head plastic drums ideal for use in the petrochemical, lubricant, ethanol, chemical, coatings, mining, and food industries. The facility holds ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications, combining quality management and continual improvement with environmentally responsible practices to demonstrate operational excellence and the ability to consistently deliver high-quality packaging solutions, including Mauser?s Infinity Series product range.

The Infinity Series of products provides brands with sustainable packaging solutions that meet strict performance requirements while incorporating post-consumer resin (PCR), reducing carbon emissions, and diverting waste from landfills. Mauserns and meets the growing demand for sustainable industrial packaging.

In addition to manufacturing high-quality plastic drums, Mauser Packaging Solutions also manufactures intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and provides reconditioning services for plastic drums and IBCs. Mauser Packaging Solutions maintains a level 4 Contributor B-BBEE Status and was the first reconditioner in South Africa to achieve ISO 45001 compliance, the occupational health and safety management standard.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

About Mauser Packaging Solutions:
Mauser Packaging Solutions is a global supplier of rigid packaging products and services. Mauser currently operates manufacturing locations in over 20 countries serving industry-leading customers on an international basis.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Annabelle Schwanke
Schildgesstrasse 71-163
50321 Bruehl, Germany
Tel.: +49 2232781000


Firma: Mauser Packaging Solutions

Ansprechpartner: Annabelle Schwanke
Stadt: Brühl
Telefon: +49 2232781000


verpackung, ibc, suedafrika, expansion,

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