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Bormioli Rocco Pharma presents the pillars of the 2017 strategy

06.07.2017 - 17:20 | 1508378

Fidenza (Parma, Italy), 12th June 2017 – Bormioli Rocco Pharma is one of the major European players in the pharmaceutical primary packaging industry, with a leadership position gained through solid technological know-how, high production standards and strongly active sales strategy. Andrea Fulvi, Sales Director of the company, in a recent interview reviews the previous year’s budget and announces the 2017 sales strategies.

What emerges is, without any doubt, the brilliant results achieved by the Pharma Business Unit, currently representing about 50% of the whole Bormioli Rocco industrial group. In 2016, in fact, the B.U. has reached a total turnover of more than 200 million euros thanks to an important growth rate.
The current year as well got off to a good start for Bormioli Rocco Pharma, confirming the great 2016 performance and expanding its production by substantial investments in glass and plastic packaging manufacturing plants.

The Sales Director Andrea Fulvi outlines the detailed plan for 2017, based on the synergy between several strategic pillars. The first key element of the sales strategy is consolidation. Through long-term partnerships with the key customers, the Company aims to strengthen its position on the key markets. Moreover, the enhancement of cross-selling will give further boost to partnerships by offering an even larger number of complete packaging solutions. In the first quarter of 2017, Bormioli Rocco Pharma has already closed several multi-year contracts with some of the most important global pharmaceutical players.

The second pillar of the strategy is expansion into new markets, possible thanks to highly dynamic sales efforts acting on the synergy between promotion of brand awareness and activities to forge strong partnerships with local agents and distributors. The results confirm these business choices: 100 new customers acquired in 2016 and more than 40 in the first quarter of 2017. Bormioli Rocco Pharma mainly targets markets with the highest potential in pharmaceutical industry such as US, LATAM and Far East. For these areas, the company has already launched dedicated development plans, including the enhancement of the logistic platforms in order to satisfy the increasing demanding requirements in terms of quality and service.

Another strategy to support expansion is exploring new segments of the pharmaceutical market, such as BioTech, Diagnostics and Animal Health. It will also be crucial to focus on the Global Key Account Manager role to provide better coverage for strategic projects and meet the needs of the major multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Last but not least, product innovation. The Pharma B.U. pipeline has never been more flourishing than it is now with Delta Glass Vials, Type I Amber Glass, Safe&Easy pediatric pack, Dual-Chamber systems and the new model of Dry Powder Inhaler. Moreover, the pipeline is constantly expanding with several other projects.
Such large-scale innovation allows Bormioli Rocco Pharma to fully meet customers’ needs and to become their reference point for the development of more complex projects.

For more info please contact:
Elisa Bottazzi
Bormioli Rocco Pharma Digital Press Office
Zenzero Comunicazione
Via F.S. Nitti 14, 43126 Parma (Italy)
Ph.: +39 0521 969489

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Firma: Bormioli Rocco Spa

Ansprechpartner: Zenzero Comunicazione
Stadt: Fidenza (Parma) Italy
Telefon: +39 0521 969489


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Bormioli Rocco Pharma presents the pillars of the 2017 strategy

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