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Liver Transplant Rejection - Pipeline Review: Market Research Hub, Share, Trends, Forecast, H1 2017

11.05.2017 - 17:23 | 1490486

Global Markets Direct's latest Pharmaceutical and Healthcare disease pipeline guide “Liver Transplant Rejection Pipeline Review”, H1 2017, provides an overview of the Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) pipeline landscape

Albany, New York, 11 May, 2017: Global Markets Direct''s latest Pharmaceutical and Healthcare disease pipeline guide “Liver Transplant Rejection Pipeline Review”, H1 2017, provides an overview of the Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) pipeline landscape.

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Liver transplantation is the conventional therapy used in various liver diseases. Liver has the unique ability to regenerate or grow, unlike any other organ in the body. Liver transplant replaces an injured or diseased liver with a healthy one. An entire liver or just a section may be transplanted. Following a transplant, the immune system may consider the transplanted liver as foreign and may work against it. Patients may hence develop complications and ultimately reject the new organ. Therefore, immunosuppressive drugs are administered simultaneously. These immunosuppressive drugs prevent the body from either identifying or attacking the foreign organ via various immune responses thus blocking organ rejection and facilitating a successful transplant.

Report Highlights

Global Markets Direct''s Pharmaceutical and Healthcare latest pipeline guide Liver Transplant Rejection Pipeline Review, H1 2017, provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology), complete with analysis by stage of development, drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. The guide covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.

The Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) pipeline guide also reviews of key players involved in therapeutic development for Liver Transplant Rejection and features dormant and discontinued projects. The guide covers therapeutics under Development by Companies /Universities /Institutes, the molecules developed by Companies in Filing rejected/Withdrawn, Phase III, Phase II and Preclinical stages are 1, 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Similarly, the Universities portfolio in Phase II, Phase I and Preclinical stages comprises 1, 1 and 1 molecules, respectively.

Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) pipeline guide helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios, enhances decision making capabilities and helps to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. The guide is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Directs proprietary databases, company/university websites, clinical trial registries, conferences, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources. Additionally, various dynamic tracking processes ensure that the most recent developments are captured on a real time basis.

Note: Certain content / sections in the pipeline guide may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data.


- The pipeline guide provides a snapshot of the global therapeutic landscape of Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology).
- The pipeline guide reviews pipeline therapeutics for Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- The pipeline guide covers pipeline products based on several stages of development ranging from pre-registration till discovery and undisclosed stages.
- The pipeline guide features descriptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which comprise, product description, descriptive licensing and collaboration details, R&D brief, MoA & other developmental activities.
- The pipeline guide reviews key companies involved in Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) therapeutics and enlists all their major and minor projects.
- The pipeline guide evaluates Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) therapeutics based on mechanism of action (MoA), drug target, route of administration (RoA) and molecule type.
- The pipeline guide encapsulates all the dormant and discontinued pipeline projects.
- The pipeline guide reviews latest news related to pipeline therapeutics for Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology)

Reasons to buy

- Procure strategically important competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D strategies.
- Recognize emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage.
- Find and recognize significant and varied types of therapeutics under development for Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology).
- Classify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic.
- Develop tactical initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies.
- Plan mergers and acquisitions meritoriously by identifying key players and its most promising pipeline therapeutics.

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- Formulate corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Liver Transplant Rejection (Immunology) pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics.
- Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope.
- Adjust the therapeutic portfolio by recognizing discontinued projects and understand from the know-how what drove them from pipeline.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

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MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.



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