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Global Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensors Market Industry Estimated to Grow at a CAGR of 9.62% for 2017-2022

28.04.2017 - 07:54 | 1484955

The report starts with bulk acoustic wave sensors market overview, followed by segmenting the market through type, geography, application. Based on types, the global bulk acoustic wave sensors market is segmented as QCM-TSM3 and FBAR-SMR4. Further, on the basis of application

Albany, New York, April 28, 2017: The bulk acoustic wave sensors market is gaining immense momentum at a rapid scale globally. For providing more in-depth analysis in this market, Market Research Hub has recently added a report, headed as “Global Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensors Market” 2017 Industry Research Report into its report warehouse that provides detailed analysis of the bulk acoustic wave sensors market including definition, classification, application and industry chain structure. The analysis is prepared based on primary or secondary research methodologies and it is analyzed that the global market for Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensors will reach about 1312.21 Million USD by 2022 from 826.89 Million USD in 2017, registering a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.68% during the forecasted period, 2017-2022.

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The acoustic wave propagates through or on the surface of the material, any changes to the characteristics of the propagation path affect the velocity and/or amplitude of the wave. Bulk wave is a type of acoustic wave that propagates through the substrate. Some of the latest emerging application of the acoustic wave includes medical applications (chemical sensors), automotive applications (torque and tire pressure sensors), and industrial and commercial applications (vapor, humidity, temperature, and mass sensors). As per the findings of the report, the devices are rapidly growing in the marketplace for consumer wireless applications. Two common configurations of BAW architectures are Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR) and Solidly Mounted Resonator (SMR).

The report starts with bulk acoustic wave sensors market overview, followed by segmenting the market through type, geography, application. Based on types, the global bulk acoustic wave sensors market is segmented as QCM-TSM3 and FBAR-SMR4. Further, on the basis of application, the report segment the market as:

Aerospace and Military
Consumer Electronics
Moreover, the market is also segmented by regions, with production, industry, revenue, market share, and growth rate of Bulk Acoustic Wave Sensors in the major regions, from 2017 to 2022 (forecast). Key region included in the study are, North America, Europe, China and Rest of Asia.

The top manufacturers in the global market are also covered in the report with capacity, production, price, revenue, and market share for each manufacturer. Key players operating in the market are, Broadcom, Qorvo, RF360, TAIYO YUDEN, Teledyne, API Technologies, Vectron and Qualtre.

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At last, the report is concluded with the market effect factors analysis which highlights threats for the vendors along with its impact on the market growth.

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