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PHARMAPACK 2015: Bormioli Rocco Presents its High-end Solutions Dedicated to the Pharmaceutical Sector

11.02.2015 - 10:52 | 1171745

Bormioli Rocco responds to the increasingly strict requirements in terms of packaging on the side of the pharmaceutical companies with a wide range of high-end solutions like Type I glass and COC/COP plastic vials for injectables and “Anti-Counterfeit” solutions. These will be displayed at the Pharmapack exhibition (booth 331) in Paris, from the 11th to the 12th of February.
The pharmaceutical market is continuously moving forward which means that connected sectors like the packaging industry have to respond quickly to the ever-changing needs. Emerging trends in the pharmaceutical market include a growing market for biopharmaceutical drugs. These are often characterized by a high-sensitive formulation which means higher security levels along the supply chain and increasing quality standards are required to guarantee the patients’ safety.
A recent trend is a growing importance of biotechnology. Consequently also an increasing demand for primary packaging for injectable drugs can be observed: Considering the fact that most biopharmaceutical drugs require parenteral dosage forms as oral administration would compromise the effectiveness. Only parenteral packaging can guarantee the stability of the drug formulation, product integrity and effectiveness. High sensitive or aggressive molecules, present in biotech drugs, help to address the need for high-end glass and plastic material as borosilicate and COC/COP.
To face these challenges, Bormioli Rocco proposes its glass Type I range of infusion bottles and vials for parenteral drugs, in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Manufacturing process and quality standards are aligned with the requirements of the pharma companies. Bormioli Rocco Type I is characterized by high hydrolytic resistance and is manufactured in full compliance with the international Pharmacopeas standards. For high sensitive drugs the company offers in addition internal siliconization, a treatment that provides an interior protective coating of the bottles, ensuring long-term compatibility of the packaging with active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Another important solution is represented by the COC and COP vials, an innovative high performance plastic packaging. These vials are characterized by a superior barrier to moisture and high purity as well as excellent biocompatibility thanks to the inertness of the container surface, ensuring drug’s stability during its shelf life. In addition the vials demonstrate excellent resistance against breaks or cracks and can be sterilized by autoclave and gamma rays.
Bormioli Rocco responds also to the growing request of ensuring highest level of security and integrity of the product along the supply chain, with its innovative Anti-Counterfeit Packaging. Thanks to the incorporation of a security taggant in the packaging the full control of the drug along the whole supply chain as well as the patient’s safety and brand integrity are guaranteed. The solution is in addition characterized by its great versatility as it can be incorporated into different types of packaging and offers different levels of customization.
Bormioli Rocco’s high-end products and innovations contribute to the integrity of the world leading drugs in terms of both product quality and security, enhancing patient safety.
The company will present these products alongside its whole product range during the Pharmapack 2015 exhibition (stand 331 – hall 5,2), a major event dedicated to Drug Delivery & Pharma Packaging, which will take place at the Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris, from the 11th to the 12th of February. This is an important occasion to confirm the leadership position of the group in pharmaceutical packaging sector.

Chiara Marando/ Sandra Frevel
Ufficio Stampa Digitale Bormioli Rocco Packaging
Zenzero Comunicazione
Via F.S Nitti 14, 43126 Parma - Tel. +390521 969489

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Firma: Bormioli Rocco Packaging

Ansprechpartner: Chiara Marando/ Sandra Frevel
Stadt: Parma
Telefon: +390521 969489


pharmapack-2015, bormioli-rocco-packaging, pharmaceutical-packaging,

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PHARMAPACK 2015: Bormioli Rocco Presents its High-end Solutions Dedicated to the Pharmaceutical Sector

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