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Neuromarketing leads to better packaging design

27.11.2018 - 10:17 | 1674436

How can neuromarketing – using combinations of biometric measuring techniques to analyse consumer reactions – be a tool that makes packaging development more efficient? The answers will be supplied by Iggesund Paperboard and Tobii Pro, a global leader in the field of eye tracking, in exclusive seminars targeted at both companies’ customers.

How can neuromarketing

Iggesund Paperboard is the maker of the high-quality paperboards Invercote and Incada, the two strongest brands on the European paperboard market. Tobii Pro is a division of Tobii Group and began by developing eye tracking hardware for research in 2001 and then grew into supplying a range of tools from hardware

Iggesund not only supplies paperboard but also works actively to convey knowledge about how to get the most out of it. This joint project is one step in spreading knowledge about packaging and packaging materials.

Combining measurements of visual impressions with sensory measurements of packaging longer we want to keep on holding it.

Clemson University in South Carolina, USA, offers a highly ranked educational programme in packaging expertise. The university have built a laboratory there equipped with eye tracking tools from Tobii Pro, a store environment where types of packaging can be tested.

The seminars on neuromarketing and its usefulness in developing and evaluating packaging will initially be held in Paris, London, Tokyo and San Francisco.

Caption 1: Ali Farokhian, Tobii Pro Insight
Caption 2: Jonas Adler Director Business Development at Iggesund Paperboard.
Caption 3: Combining measurements of visual impressions with sensory measurements of packaging

Iggesund Paperboard is part of the Swedish forest industry group Holmen, one of the world
Iggesund and the Holmen Group report all their fossil carbon emissions to the Carbon Disclosure Project. The environmental data form an integral part of an annual report that complies with the Global Reporting Initiative
Further information:

Staffan Sj
Public Relations Manager

Iggesund Paperboard
SE-825 80 Sweden
Tel: +4665028256
Mobile: +46703064800

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